My Values and Approach
Reframing Autism from a disorder to a neurotype.
Providing support that aims to target challenges that autistic people face, and not autistic ways of being.
Offering assessments for identification purposes rather than thinking in diagnostic terms which implies a pathologised way of thinking about neurodiversity.
Strength Based approach
To help to foster a positive Autistic identity.
To encourage self-autonomy and self-promotion.
To ensure that post-assessment and/or post-identification support will not focus on changing or 'treating' neurology but instead on self-advocacy and self-determination.
Respect and value diversity
To recognise and respect the value in diversity.
To reject Behavioural Modification, Applied Behavioural Analysis and social skills training recommendations.
To avoid neuronormative or heteronormative assumptions in clinical work.
Always learning
Seeking to always learn from Autistic voices.
Understanding that neuroaffirmative practice is a process of ever-becoming and to keep learning.
Actively seeking more inclusive and relevant assessment processes and acknowledging that the procedures and tests are based on the pathologisation of Autistic ways of being.